
I was able to succeed at writing by detaching myself from the output. To write is to re-visit the stream where each individual post is extracted.

Some are good, some bad. All that matters is producing. A chunk of me siphoned off for the world. Breadcrumbs left behind with no purpose in mind.


Everyone thinks they know what you do, what it takes to be you, who’s who… but that’s far from the truth.

They’ll do what they do. Focus on being you. One in many, who follows your muse. Your story comes from you. One in many, who does what you do.


oozing forward

tic tic tic

it slips on

but you have me focused

and the moments are flowing

sticky sticky

moving slowly

ticking ticking


sticky sticky

easy going

flowing like a heartbeat

everything we do is slow motion

I want to stay this way


Glass Fingertips

Don’t touch a phone with a broken screen. It might look fine. But invisible sticky glass micro shards may be on that screen, slicing your fingers with thousands of tiny cuts. Actually, a great rule of thumb is, “Never touch broken glass.”

What’s worse is you may not realize you’ve encountered these tiny crystals for about 30 minutes. That’s when you notice. And parts of you begin to itch. Your fingertips have a slight throb. You realize that this was a bad time to play the guitar and wonder how you did not realize these tiny shards were cutting your digits while you were riffing. How many parts of your body did you touch in a 30 minute span? To recap: tiny, sticky invisible glass shards that are stuck in your fingers and can rub off and embed themselves in other places if you’re not careful.

Now you face a discipline test. Do you need to use your phone? Only a few times have brought noticeable pain to your hands. How much does your eye really itch? Use a bandanna if you need to touch your face. Don’t touch your face with your fingertips. Make it through a night and your fingers begin to heal, stronger than before as they shed the glass. Good luck and watch out for glass fingertips.


The moments in-between often go unseen.

They fill the time outside those elusive, desirable, perfect moments of glory.

Those moments that mark our destiny.

In a way, the moments we seek are as significant than the most mundane thing.

Most of our lives are moments in-between.

Moments getting groceries.

Moments that mean “nothing”.

Moments after the peak.

This human sees moments as a stream.

Flowing gently, then rapidly, changing constantly.

Leading the way to our dreams.

Cosmically tiny moments of being.

More often than not, the moments in-between.


The humans could never know their tiniest actions reverberated through the millennia. Each decision could be felt 1,000 years away in the fluid continuum of time. The continuum resembled a bridge from the past to the future that is always shifting based on our choices.

No one knows where the bridge is or why it exists. Time flows on, our actions reverberating exponentially into future generations in eternal recurrence.

Embrace Your Struggle

The pattern of struggle and overcoming it is one of the most rewarding in life when seen through to completion. We must each embrace our struggle. Realize that how we overcome it defines us.

Believe that today is the day that you will conquer your struggles and emerge stronger than before. Embrace the things that are ailing you. They are the medium to make your personal growth and triumph over the bullshit this world throws at you.

A favorite philosopher of mine, Nietzsche, filled many pages about overcoming struggle and its importance in human happiness. I agree with him. We are all dealing with unique hardships. We should all collectively say to our struggles, “Fuck off! Today is not your day.”


Love is like a game of catch.

Sometimes, we drop the ball.

What matters is that you pick it up,

and throw it back.

It’s best to agree to the rules before you begin.

But sometimes you start playing spontaneously.

There’s no guarantee how long the game will last.

If the ball is not being thrown in your direction,

you might want to play with someone else.

Apathy vs. Empathy

Apathetic Universe

The people were warned. They didn’t listen.

They were too important. “No one tells me what to do or where to go.”, they exclaimed in praise of freedom.

They continued to live as before the warning came.

They continued to make widgets in exchange for money to buy more widgets.

In the end, it was their undoing. But not just theirs.

The herd was hurt by its pride and ignorance, unable to set aside their own ego-driven needs.

Empathetic Universe

The people were warned. They were cautious.

“I could get someone else sick.”, they said as they pondered how they might limit their own impact.

They altered their usual routine in order to protect the lives of their fellow humans.

They realized that human lives are more important than widgets.

In the end, they supported their fellow humans in hope of the best possible outcome.

The herd was saved by empathy. The people set aside their own ego-driven needs to help their others.

Which universe do you live in?